Voron0.2 3D打印机屏幕
用于Voron0.1/0.2 3D打印机与Klipper固件的OLED屏, 根据原版stm32f042设计。
简介:用于Voron0.1/0.2 3D打印机与Klipper固件的OLED屏, 根据原版stm32f042设计。开源协议
:CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
[mcu display]
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f042x6_display-if00
#在这里填写屏幕的串口地址,使用ls /dev/serial/by-id/*查找
restart_method: command
lcd_type: sh1106
i2c_mcu: display
i2c_bus: i2c1a
encoder_pins: ^display:PA3, ^display:PA4
#encoder_pins: ^display:PA4, ^display:PA3 #旋转编码器反向
click_pin: ^!display:PA1
kill_pin: ^!display:PA5
x_offset: 2
#vcomh: 0
# Set the Vcomh value on SSD1306/SH1106 displays. This value is
# associated with a "smearing" effect on some OLED displays. The
# value may range from 0 to 63. Default is 0.
# Adjust this value if you get some vertical stripes on your display. (31 seems to be a good value)
[neopixel displayStatus]
pin: display:PA0
chain_count: 1
color_order: GRB
initial_RED: 0.2
initial_GREEN: 0.05
initial_BLUE: 0